What is C-PACER?
C-PACER allows commercial and industrial property owners to implement clean energy measures to existing property and pay back the loan on a voluntary assessment through the Municipality of Anchorage. The assessment can only be used as part of a financing arrangement to fund eligible projects.
The arrangement:
Attaches the payment obligations to the property, rather than the borrower (so that payment obligations run with the land, rather than the individual), and
Reduces collection risks for lenders.
C-PACER financing is intended to cover the full costs of eligible improvements, with little or no up-front out-of-pocket costs to the owner. As a consequence, energy-efficient upgrades to Anchorage's commercial buildings should be easier to finance. The Program is available to commercial property owners on a strictly voluntary basis with financing provided by private capital providers and not from public funds or resources.
The enabling legislation for C-PACER “the C-PACER Act” was signed into law in August 2017, allowing local governments to create and manage C-PACER programs and joining 37 states and Washington D.C.
In 2017, the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) and relevant stakeholders created a C-PACER Advisory Committee to help implement C-PACER in Alaska.
The Anchorage Assembly unanimously passed Ordinance 2020-115 on November 4th, 2020.
The Anchorage C-PACER program was officially launched on April 1, 2021.
In June 2022, Governor Dunleavy signed HB 227 into law, expanding the program's eligibility to include resilience improvements, new construction, refinancing and more.
The program relaunched in 2023 with updated documents to reflect HB 227’s expansion.
History of C-PACER in Alaska
Want to learn more?
Visit the Alaska-wide C-PACER website
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